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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Member Since 13 May 2008
Offline Last Active Nov 29 2017 10:12 AM

Topics I've Started

Which Water Conditioner To Use?

10 October 2015 - 05:55 PM

ok so i have been using Aqua Star to treat my tap water for years and it seems to no longer be available from Age of Aquariums, and i can't find it anywhere else.


I've been very happy with it but need something asap as i'm almost out. It's quite strong and has worked very well with me for a long time.


I'm looking for suggestions on what else to use please.


Aqua Star claims to 

  • Aqua Star acts fast. Within Minutes, it neutralizes chlorine, chloramine,
  • toxic ammonia and heavy metals, making tap water safe for fish. Adds protective Slime coating.
  • Aqua Star can also be used to reduce dangerous ammonia levels in established aquariums or when transporting fish.
  • Neutralizes 5ppm chlorine, 2ppm chloramine, 1ppm ammonia.


I have used Prime before but found aqua star to be better (less fish loss especially when breeding and growing out fry).


Thanks in advance.


New Pigeon Blood Discus

01 May 2015 - 07:23 PM

Hi All, 
Picked up a group of 7 beautiful pigeon blood discus from the boys at Aquaristic. They had some stunning discus but i have a soft spot for pigeon bloods so couldn't go past them. Good variety but a common theme.
Here they are, your comments are always welcomed
[IMG]16710420383_f2a00898df_c.jpg20150501-IMG_7988 by mattzilla5000, on Flickr[/IMG]
[IMG]17142891008_07ff2ef352_c.jpg20150501-IMG_7987 by mattzilla5000, on Flickr[/IMG]
[IMG]17144432679_b2f919c167_c.jpg20150501-IMG_7986 by mattzilla5000, on Flickr[/IMG]
[IMG]17330675935_5b8a9c921c_c.jpg20150501-IMG_7977 by mattzilla5000, on Flickr[/IMG]
[IMG]17123232687_d3538e9b72_c.jpg20150501-IMG_7972 by mattzilla5000, on Flickr[/IMG]
[IMG]17328789242_38c6bc1440_c.jpg20150501-IMG_7970 by mattzilla5000, on Flickr[/IMG]

Kangaroo Fillet Instead Of Beefheart In Diy Food?

15 March 2015 - 09:32 PM

I ran across a thread on another site that suggested the use of kangaroo fillet instead of beefheart when making diy fish food (most commonly discus food).

Beefheart is used because of its low fat content (when meticulously trimmed) and high protein content.

Kangaroo fillet also has very low fat content and high protein.

Beefheart can be hard to find and costly compared to the readily available and cheap kangaroo fillet.

here is some nutritional info on kangaroo fillet 

Nutrition Facts per 100g 

Kilojoules 410 kj

Calories 98 kcal 

Protein 22.9 g 

Fat 0.2 g 

Carbohydrate 1.5 g

Anyone got any thoughts on this one?

I'm about to make up a new batch of fish food and i'm thinking of giving it a go.