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Keeping Brackish Fish In Freshwater

mono Monodactylus sebae brackish convert african moony

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#1 ProdiGium

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  • Location: innaloo

Posted 03 August 2013 - 03:03 PM

Type of fish: Monodactylus Sebae
Other tank mates:

3x Kuhli Loaches,

2x Bala Sharks,

1x Ghost Knife Fish,

1x Dwarf Loach,

1x Common Pleco

Tank size / capacity: 140L 
Type of Food fed: Bloodworms, 1x Algae Wafers, Flakes
Feeding frequency/amount: Once a day
Substrate: Gravel
Type of filtration: Eheim 2213
Frequency and % volume of water changes: 30% weekly. Sometimes 50% Fortnightly (Vacuumed)
Last water change: 2 days ago
Water temp: 25C



I'll say it and wear the shame: I didn't do enough research when I first added fish.

That being said, the pet store people did not tell me he was meant to convert to Brackish/Salt for his own health and well-being.

Still, I wear the blame and shame. Though, I've done a hell of a lot of research into fish keeping since I became aware of my mistake.


So I have a 6" tall Mono Sebae in a lightly planted 140L tank receiving 8 hours a day of 8W lighting.. and he's getting bigger.

He hides behind a big rock most of the time, so that takes up about 1/3 of the space and I dare not remove it because he loves his rock, and so does my Ghost which hides under a crevice I chiseled out for him.


He's about 2 years old now and I'm not sure how much longer he will mature before it has a detrimental affect on his well-being?

I'm considering selling off all my freshwater fish, including my Balas who certainly need more room, removing all plants and slowly converting him to Brackish. I can't add salt because I have Kuhli Loaches and a Ghost..

But then there is the problem of space as he grows bigger.

Not just for him, but for the Balas and Ghost. But they are easily rehomed.


I could trade him into a petshop/LFS but I'd like to know that he will go to a proper home where his actual needs are met.. instead of selling him off to ignorant people like myself.. so I just will not do it.

And I cannot find anyone with a Brackish tank, or anyone who is willing to convert him from Fresh to Brackish to Salt.

I've looked and advertised. Nothing.




Just wondering what is the best approach and what would you do if in my situation?
He's not just another fish that can disgarded.. all my fish mean a lot to me. They all need to go to proper homes because I think we've all seen just how improperly some fish are kept!


And honestly if anyone knows of someone willing to help me out with rehoming, it would be very, very much appreciated!

Also, if someone has a large Brackish tank, I don't mind selling off my freshwater, converting him and then selling him off as Brackish converted.

#2 malawiman85

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Posted 04 August 2013 - 01:41 PM

Why not fire up another tank?
doesnt Have To Be Big Dollars.

#3 ProdiGium

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  • Location: innaloo

Posted 04 August 2013 - 06:43 PM

Why not fire up another tank?
doesnt Have To Be Big Dollars.




Absolutely no room for another tank, unfortunately.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: mono, Monodactylus, sebae, brackish, convert, african, moony

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